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About the App

How does it work?

The App: About Us


The primary purpose of Health Stories is to educate people and motivate them to take an interest in their health through the stories of others. This is done by allowing users to read through and share other peoples' stories. Users can scroll through the latest stories shared, or they can search for a specific issue such as "heart disease" using the tags attached to each story. They can then select a story that interests them and read, comment, vote and share it with others.

The App: Mission


If a user feels they have a relevant story that would be interesting to others they can submit it themselves. Our ultimate goal is that there would be a process by which submitted stories would be reviewed for technical and medical accuracy before publishing to the app. Users can also share information about themselves which can be used to identify populations in which their stories would have the greatest impact. We start out with some basic information, but users later have the option to add further information, which may also be useful to researchers.

The App: Mission
Social network concept


A key part of the Health Stories idea is interaction with other users. We provide a voting system within the app that allows users to support their favorite stories so that they are more visible to others. We also allow users to comment on the stories through the app to facilitate further discussion of health issues. We also hope that the stories will be shared through social media, further broadening their influence and attracting new users to the app.

The App: Mission
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